Centre for Legislative Research and Advocacy (CLRA)
CLRA is an independent, not-for-profit, non-partisan initiative, which works to support and strengthen Parliament and legislatures so as to realise the values of democratic governance. Through research, advocacy, networking and other allied activities CLRA seeks to promote and reinforce the constitutionally assigned roles and functions of parliamentary institutions. More…
PRS Legislative Research (PRS)
PRS Legislative Research (PRS) was founded in 2005 as an independent research initiative. PRS works with Members of Parliament (MPs) across party lines to provide research support on legislative and policy issues. Our aim is to complement the base of knowledge and expertise that already exists in government, citizens groups, businesses, and other research institutions. More…
Inter-American Parliamentary Group on Population and Development (IAPG)
The IAPG is a regional network of Parliamentarians from the Western Hemisphere, whose members work together across party lines to promote laws and policies that guarantee the equitable development of women, men, adolescents and children in all countries in the Americas. More…
The Parliamentary Network on the World Bank
A global action-oriented organisation of parliamentarians advocating for transparency and accountability in international development. More…
The European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF)
A Brussels-based Parliamentary network that serves as a platform for cooperation and coordination for the 25 all-party groups in Parliaments throughout Europe that focus on improving sexual and reproductive health and rights at home and abroad through national and regional health and foreign aid budgets. More…
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
The Association?s mission is to promote the advancement of parliamentary democracy by enhancing knowledge and understanding of democratic governance. It seeks to build an informed parliamentary community and to further co-operation among its Parliaments and Legislatures. More…
Inter Parliamentary Union
The IPU, established in 1889, is the international organisation of Parliaments of sovereign States. The Union is the focal point for world-wide parliamentary dialogue and works for peace and co-operation among peoples and for the firm establishment of representative democracy. More…
Asian Parliamentarians Forum
An online forum for Asian Parliamentarians? on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Development. The Asian Parliamentarians Forum has been created in conjunction with the e-Awareness Seminar Series for Asian Parliamentarians (e-ASSAP) to heighten awareness among Asian lawmakers of the role of ICT today. More…
Parliamentarians’ Forum on HIV/AIDS (PFA)
A Forum of concerned Parliamentarians, who have resolved to act constructively to tackle this issue. This Forum is uniquely placed by virtue of its unique composition and Parliament, to play a major role in advising and influencing the attitudes of the executive and the legislature towards this dreaded disease. More… More…
Parliamentarians Forum For Global Action
A non-profit, non-partisan international network of over 1300 legislators in more than 100 elected parliaments around the globe, aims to promote peace, democracy, the rule of law, human rights, sustainable development and population issues by informing, convening, and mobilizing parliamentarians to realise these goals. More…
Forum for African Parliamentarians for Education (FAPED)
The Forum was created in 2002 to promote education policies through strengthening partnerships with civil society and actors in the cultural, social and political sectors, as well as address issues such as poverty, the environment, corruption and information and communication technologies. More…
Centre for Governance and Development (CGD)
The Centre for Governance and Development (CGD) is a registered policy research and advocacy not-for-profit organization. The Centre is an active participant in influencing the direction of development and social transformation in Kenya. More…